Margaret Beeks Elementary Students Explore Nanoscience During STEM Night

The National Center for Earth and Environmental Nanotechnology Infrastructure (NanoEarth) enjoyed introducing nanotechnology to elementary school students at Margaret Beeks Elementary’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Night. The April STEM Night included a student art showcase, Scholastic Book Fair, and multiple STEM booths inside and outside. NanoEarth focused on interactive NanoDays Kits, teaching students about ferrofluid, water resistant nanofabric, nitinol, and hydrophobic nanosand. Deputy Director of NanoEarth and Virginia Tech (VT) Associate Professor of Geosciences Marc Michel, Ph.D., broke down his research and discussed the nanoscale to interested students. To learn more at home, an estimated 110 children and 70 adult participants received Cornell NanoScale Science and Technology Facility (CNF)’s Nanooze Magazines, NanoEarth and VT College of Science Stickers, and MIT.nano coloring sheets.