NanoEarth Introduces Nanotechnology to Christiansburg Elementary School

The National Center for Earth and Environmental Nanotechnology Infrastructure (NanoEarth) introduced students to nanotechnology during Hokie for a Day. Coordinated by the Virginia Tech (VT) Center for Educational Networks and Impacts (CENI), 61 fifth grade students and 10 chaperones from Christiansburg Elementary School attended the event on October 12, 2022. The event gives students the opportunity to learn about college, meet students, and complete interactive activities with VT staff. NanoEarth Postdoc Bipin Lade, Ph.D., and Diversity and Outreach Coordinator Sylvianne Velasquez led hands-on nanotechnology demonstrations. Students learned about hydrophobic nano sand, ferrofluid in dollar bills, and water-resistant nano fabric. They discovered how the nanoscale makeup will change the properties they can see on the macroscale.