Plenty of Beauty at the Bottom Image Contest

In honor of National Nanotechnology Day, October 9th, the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI) is hosting the Plenty of Beauty at the Bottom image contest. Referencing Richard Feynman's 1959 lecture, There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom, this image contest celebrates the beauty of the micro and nanoscale.
Overall Prize
Funds to support travel to a professional conference ($1,000/artist)
- Most Stunning - beautiful images can use false color but the original image details should not be altered. Colorization of the image is not required for submission.
- Most Unique Capability - image created using an advanced technique available at the NCFL.
- Most Whimsical - cleverly insert something extra into an image. Example: create landscapes or rolling seas or a still life.
Submission Rules and Guidelines
- High resolution JPEG, PNG, or TIFF
- Must include a scale bar
- Include 100 word description suitable for a general audience
- Image must have been produced at the NCFL since August 2020
- Up to two people can be listed as authors of the image. Include their name, appointment, title of image, and full name of instrument used to produce the image.
- Images may be used by the NNCI for promotional purposes. Your submission implies you have full author rights to submitted images and agree to give consent to NNCI for use of images.
Submit to by Friday, September 9. Top NCFL images will be submitted to the NNCI for public voting October 5-12 and winners will be announced on October 17, 2022.
See last year's winners here (